Today we will learn how to add feedburner recent posts widget to blogger ? Feedburner recent posts widget is a widget which shows recent posts of your blog via your RSS feeds.You can add this widget as a HTML/JavaScript widget i.e. you don't have to edit your template. This widget is highly customizable so that you can customize this widget as you wish.Below is a list of some things that you can customize in your recent posts widget.
- Display feed title
- Display favicon
- Display feed title
- Display item author name
- Display item content
- Display item publication date
- Display link to feed
Then click on Publicize and choose BuzzBoost.
Customize the widget as you wish.
Now scroll to top and choose Blogger Platform then Hit Go button.
After you hit Go button you will redirect to Blogger Add Widget page.
Give the title as you wish and click Add Widget Button.
Refresh your blog.You will see the recent post widget hanging on your blog.