Remove "Show all posts"

Log in to your Blogger account, Back-up your template, then go to:

Dashboard > Layout > Edit HTML > check Expand Widget Templates box

Find the following part of code:

<b:includable id='status-message'>
<b:if cond='data:navMessage'>
<div class='status-msg-wrap'>
<div class='status-msg-body'>
<div class='status-msg-border'>
<div class='status-msg-bg'>
<div class='status-msg-hidden'><data:navMessage/></div>
<div style='clear: both;'/>

Then REPLACE it with:

<b:includable id='status-message'>
<b:if cond='data:navMessage'>
<div style='clear: both;'/>

Click Save.

Now open your blog and view any label.